# Save As Template

On the project homepage, click the More Operations button of the project to be saved as a template, and click the Save As Template button to open the Save as Template pop-up window.

Only the project creator has the permission to save the project as a template. Other members of the project do not have the permission to save the project as a template

Create Project Template

In the Save as Template interface, the saved lifecycle, version, attribute and other information of the template will be displayed. By clicking the Retain Team Members and Retain Project Files options, you can keep the project files and project members of the project in the project template

Create Project Template

Click the Project Structure and Team Members tabs to view the project structure and team members of the current project

Create Project Template

Enter the template name, click Confirm, and you will be prompted that the template is added successfully. The Save as Template pop-up window will be closed

Template name cannot contain /: * ?;<>| Equal characters, project name between 1 and 25 characters

Create Project Template

Using Project Templates,refer to[Create project from template](/pages_en/gostart/project%20management/#2.Create project from template)